8th E-Mobility Power System Integration Symposium (Konferenz | Helsinki)

8th E-Mobility Power System Integration Symposium – 07-08 October 2024 – Helsinki, Finland Join the 8th E-Mobility Power System Integration Symposium, where we delve into the pivotal challenges posed by the rising power demand from electric vehicle charging. Discover innovative solutions as we explore the seamless coordination between this heightened demand and renewable power production […]

7th E-Mobility Power System Integration Symposium (Konferenz | Kopenhagen)

7th E-Mobility Power System Integration Symposium – 25 September 2023 – Copenhagen, Denmark The purpose of the E-Mobility Power System Integration Symposium is to discuss the challenges that arise with increased power demand due to electric vehicle charging, and how they can be met by coordinating with renewable power production in the electrical system. The […]

22nd Wind & Solar Integration Workshop (Konferenz | Kopenhagen)

22nd Wind & Solar Integration Workshop – 26-28 September 2023 – Copenhagen, Denmark Special Topic: Grid Forming The primary objective of the event is to stimulate interdisciplinary thinking between industry and academia by providing a platform for discussion and for sharing ideas and knowledge regarding the key issues in the field of large-scale integration of […]

Binger IntensivSeminar Ladeinfrastruktur für Elektromobilität – Planung (Seminar | Online)

Zum Stand Ende 2022 kommen in Deutschland auf 1 Million rein batterieelektrische Fahrzeuge circa 66.000 öffentliche Ladepunkte. Mit dem „Masterplan Ladeinfrastruktur“ der Bundesregierung wurde das Ziel gesteckt, bis 2030 eine Million öffentliche Ladepunkte zu schaffen, was einer derzeitigen Zielerfüllung von 7 % entspricht. Hieraus ergibt sich in den kommenden 7 Jahren eine enorme Herausforderung für […]